Sunday, September 5, 2010

Session 10

This session was held by Nuddy Pillay, the Lecturer of School of Communication Studies. At the beginning of the session we were asked to split in 5 groups (and each group consists of five people). We were given tags to wear. The tags contained a number, a shape and a letter.

After we got our tags Nuddy gave us a piece of paper, and we were asked to write the best teaching or learning practice or experience we ever had and to explain why and how on a piece of paper.

My best teaching experience is that I can be able to teach the EBSCOHost database session to my students clearly within an hour. Here is my time schedule for my session:

1. 5 minutes - Introduction.

2. 15 minutes - Demonstration with explain on how to use database to carry out searching.

3. 20 minutes - Allow students to carry out their own search.

4. 10 minutes - Allow students to ask questions and obtain feedback from them.

5. 5 minutes - Conclusion.

From the time schedule that I've planned, I can effectively teach students how to use databases to carry out searching, allowing them to ask questions if they are having problems, and obtain feedback in regards on my session from them therefore I can plan my session more effectively.

After that we were asked to give the ideas that we wrote to someone else and take his/her one. I've given my one to Dana Karem, the learning advisor from the Learning Support Centre, and Dana has gave his ideas to me as well. Then we were asked to reveal what others have experienced.

Later Nuddy asked us our thoughts for this activity, and here are the feedbacks that we have given:

1. Sharing of experiences.

2. People can express their ideas on a piece of paper rather than raising their hands (which gives them more time to think clearly about their ideas).

3. Building confidence.

4. It is good that we include learing practice / experience in this activity (which we have more understanding on learners point of view when we are teaching students).

Later in the session we were grouped into four groups of four each. Then Nuddy asked us to discuss what is the progress of our blog. There were 4 members in our group (including myself), and here are our comments that we have made:

1. Writing the notes in Microsoft Word and haven't start the blog yet.

2. Do not know how to set up the blog.

3. Busy on teaching and do not have time to start the blog.

Later Nuddy mentioned that there are 4 main areas for the assessment, which includes the following:
1. Personal and professional reflection.
2. Critical Analysis.
3. Teaching practicum.
4. Professional learning conservation.

After the dinner, we were asked to group into groups according to the shape of our badge. Our group consists of 4 people (including myself and Veraneeca Taiepa from the Learning Support Centre), and we were asked to evaluate our current learning space design from our perspective and learners’ perspective.

From our discussion we identified several learning spaces, which includes the following:
1. NC 116 / NC 117.
2. Main Library (2 teaching areas - The big presentation room in L4, and the computer training room in L0).
3. Learning Support Centre (open space shared by 7 advisors & 1 classroom).
4. Carpentry in Clydemore.

Here are our main findings from our discussion:

1. Lack of space and unusual shapes of the room, which increases the difficulity of carry out group discussion within the classroom.
2. Large number of students in cramped teaching spaces which leads to higher level of distraction and noise.
3. No control over the environmental issues of the classrooms (for example, the library has no control over the air conditioner in the computer training room, students may feel cold during the session and may not pay attention on what we are teaching).

Later in the session we were asked to go to NR109 to use the computers and utilize online tools to initiate a group discussion about the previous question. Nuddy successfully created a wiki page from PbWorks.

This wiki page can be accessed at

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